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Definition of LOMOGRAPHY
Lomography, a registered trademark of Lomographische AG (Austria), is a movement via the Lomography Society International, promote the use of LOMO camera - primarily & most famously LC-A buat also as unlike this is a fisheye lomography camera - and a "shoot from a hip" attitude --> read more HERE
1. Take your camera everywhere you go
2. Use it any time - day or night
3. Lomography is not interference of your life BUT a part of it
4. Shoot FROM the HIP
5. Approach the object of your lomographic desire as close as possible
6. Don't think (William Firebrace)
7. Be FAST
8. You don't have to know beforehand what you have captured on film
9. You don't have to know afterward either
10. Don't worry about any RULE
dapat x makne LOMOGRAHY tuh?? aku bukan la pakar dalam bidang photografi ni tapi aku google-yahoo info mengenai Lomography ni tok kongsikan bersama. Sekarang ni dah keluar VERSION BARU pulak dah... lagi URBAN dari DSLR tuh... kalau korg x caye korg tgk sendiri jap lagi...
layan Video LOMO dulu tok bagi korg paham ape tu LOMO.....
Lomo 360
dan hasilnya!!!!!! seperti berikut --->
URBAN style!!!! ni baru style korg nak amek gambar... xyah nak amek pic sendiri macam --->
sumber : gugel jer... |
korg boleh TARIK n LEPAS untuk amek gambar sendiri & background korg...
PERHATIAN !!! --> kelemahan cam ni adalah TIDAK SESUAI digunakan dalam TOILET lebih2 lagi toilet kaum HAWA.. hehehehe
sempoi! agak2 brpe ribu tu...
memangggg teringinnn lamo dahh :'(
taw la bape hargenyer... ntah ade kat Msia lg ke x... hehehe
hehe.. sgt2 addict dgn kmera..
tw x.. cik idora bwu je join kurss fotografi..
dlm aty ni da niat nk miliki dslr!!
waaaah .. !!
terbaekk r kamera nie .. huhu :)
Wowwww, i love photography so much.
Kalau boleh boleh, nak jadi photographer, nak jadi model, nak jadi yang edit gambar. Err.
But I cant. ;(
awwwwwww, giler kentang owesome!
Adila : nothing impossible meh..
nadia : URBAN kn??
smart siot!!
Hi kwn baru! ;) thanks in advice. neway macam mana nk delete app.geng blogger tu? I tk tau! hehe
kn ade kod html yg copy dr app gengblogger tu.. delete yg tu jer...
Suka tengok gambar, kadang2 suka ambil gambar, dan paling xpandai edit gambar [photoshop dll].. Muahua3! XD
murah je dow..
spe nk lomo tgok cni!
bley angkat 3-4 bjik skali..
Bila laa nak dapat satu :'(
wah! nak satuuu!
photography adalah perkara tepaling hensem! heh :))
Samizul : terar hang noh...
Humaira : ye ke...
ekin : sy pon xtaw bler sy leh ade satu...
Ieka Luvika : sila beli.. hehehe
waaahh . suka3 . :))
suke pic lomo..simple but nic.
nampak sgt2 menarik..
btw,toilet kaum hawa?
ahaha.yaya diantaranye :P
smart!..kamera ni lama da ada rasanya..siap ade club kamera lomo
waahhhh, semart lah !
kalau dapat satu kan best . hihi
i dont ave a camera and i totally blur when i read this..haha kna beli kamera satu ni
berapa ribu ea kamera nie?hehe btw thanks kaizen coz sudi singgah di belog saya...dh follow belog awk. :)
berapa ribu ea kamera nie?hehe btw thanks kaizen coz sudi singgah di belog saya...dh follow belog awk. :)
hahaha ..
cool gak cmre ni ...
must have tok hantaran br gempak ni ...hihi
tengs bg idea secare x sengaje ...
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